We are ready for the future
I'm sure that you know: The term sustainability originally comes from forestry. There, sustainable management means that you can only cut down as much wood as can grow back. Today, however, the word is used in more general terms. Thinking sustainably means not only focusing on short-term profit maximization, but also planning for the long term.
RV Management GmbH focuses on long-term thinking in all areas. Shutdowns are planned 24 to 36 months in advance. We therefore build lasting relationships with our customers and ensure a low staff turnover rate And our own company building is also highly energy-efficient and therefore sustainable.
Viel Freude machen uns auch unsere 100.000 kleinen Mitarbeiterinnen, die in zwei Bienenstöcken auf dem Firmengelände zu Hause sind. Betreut durch einen professionellen Imker von Bienen im Vest bestäuben die fleißigen Insekten unzählige Blüten und produzieren rund 40 kg Honig im Jahr. Für die rund 550 in Deutschland heimischen Wildbienenarten bieten wir darüber hinaus kostenlose Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten in unserem Bienenhotel an.
Schauen Sie doch mal vorbei! Wir freuen uns auf ihren Besuch.
Hardly any consumption at the headquarters
We moved into our headquarters at Karl-Breuing-Straße 1 (KBS1) in July 2022. Since we are deeply rooted in the Ruhr metropolis, we have invested in a new, sustainable building in Marl: