Efficiency is a matter of sequence
In practice, revision management is about completing a large number of tasks in the optimum sequence. This makes the turnaround efficient and allows you to bring your plant back into operation quickly. Our scheduling is based on a detailed analysis of the scope of the project, the resources and the so-called “critical paths”. This refers to a chain of dependent tasks that must be completed one after the other or in parallel. They determine the shortest possible project lead time.
Grundlage für die Terminplanung ist eine sorgfältige, bis tief ins Detail gehende Analyse des Projektumfangs, der Ressourcen und der so genannten „kritischen Pfade“. Darunter versteht man eine Kette von abhängigen Aufgaben, die eine nach der anderen oder auch parallel erledigt werden müssen und so die kürzeste mögliche Projektdurchlaufzeit bestimmen.
Technology-based scheduling with Primavera and TIFS
For scheduling, we rely on proven tools such as Primavera, the leading project management software from Oracle. This software is particularly suitable for extensive and complex projects that require a high degree of accuracy, flexibility and adaptability.
Primavera enables us to create detailed and realistic schedules. Among other things, we can take dependencies, restrictions and uncertainties into account.

We also use the TIFS (Turnaround Information & Feedback System) platform developed by our our business partner. This customized IT solution is the result of our years of experience and offers the following advantages, for example:

- Efficient project implementation:
- Straightforward feedback:
Feedback at central terminals with simple authentication reduces the amount of trainings required for temporary specialist staff. - Additional data capture:
In addition to the actual feedback, additional data such as images, geo-coordinates and categorizations can be collected efficiently. - Real-time data:
The platform makes it possible to react to potential deviations in real time and thus avoid cost-intensive postponements. - Comprehensive reporting:
With the Power BI connection, the platform offers powerful reporting that makes it possible to monitor important data and key figures in real time.
Do you have any questions about our IT solutions? Or would you like to receive more information about how we can support your project planning? Contact us. We are looking forward to getting in touch with you